
Holistic Practitioners - Are You Giving Away Too Much to Your Clients?


"I'm so passionate about what I offer and love to share about what I do. But sometimes I feel I'm giving away a lot. How can I tell if I'm giving away too much?"

This inquire came up last week during a teleclass I led last week. This inquire comes up often. In fact, I asked myself that same inquire last year to one of my marketing mentors.

When giving away 'f*ree tastes' or what we do, whether in a form of a workshop or a extra narrative from our website, there is a equilibrium of gift sufficient information so clients get good value but not give away 'the whole farm,' as the saying goes.

When we offer samples of what we do, such as a demonstration of acupuncture or Eft during a presentation or passing on a extra narrative about having more energy through permissible nutrition, we want our inherent clients to say to themselves:

"Wow, this demonstration/special report/audio is good... I bet their paid sessions and services are certainly Good!"

This is not a self-serving coming to marketing yourself. It's serving others by educating them that you have a explication to their problem. We haven't served our clients if they think they have all things they need to conclude their challenge or complaint, when certainly they were just given an introduction to how you can help them.

So I plan I would jot down here a few questions to ask yourself so you can see if you are "giving away too much" or if your free offerings are drawing in paid clients. Questions to ponder:

If you offer a complementary consultation, are you assessing their challenge and how you/your modality can help? Or do you offer your professional recommendations and the client never ends up booking a session?

In your free workshops and talks, do you give them a sample of what your modality can do or do you give whole treatments and sessions to volunteers?

Do you visit online forums or groups on Facebook where habitancy ask questions about their condition or problem? If so, are your responses concise and do you confidently direct them to more information about what you offer? Or are you getting into lengthy discussions that never end and do not lead to paying clients?

Does the ''free taste' that you offer through your website (special report, an audio, etc.) give great information while clearly sharing the benefits of working with you directly?

Your Success Assignment:

What I want to recommend is to pick one area where you are giving away too much and "clean it up." Continue to give great article and information, but make sure you are communicating clearly the benefits of your secret sessions, products or your classes.

If you wondering why clients aren't booking sessions there's a good opening you're giving too much of your expertise freely or maybe you aren't gift a 'free taste' of your services at all. Sharing principal information that your client is looking for, while sharing how you can assist them with your paid sessions and services is serving both you and your client. And they will thank you for it!

Holistic Practitioners - Are You Giving Away Too Much to Your Clients?

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